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About The Event

The Nordic Nigeria
Connect 2023

Innovation for a  Greener Future

Welcome to Nordic Nigeria Connect 2023

Where Nordic and Nigerian business communities meet

The Nordic embassies in Nigeria welcome Nordic companies to Lagos for this year’s Nordic-Nigeria Connect on the 14th of November.  The recurrent theme for the Nordic Nigeria Connect is sustainability and a green transition. This year,  you will find special sessions on solar energy, waste-to-energy, technology, sustainable food systems, and circular economy.

How is the business environment changing with the new government? Where are the new opportunities? What insights can you get from other Nordic companies who are already present? Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy – and is projected to become the third most populated country after India and China by 2100. Expand your network, meet potential customers and partners at this unique
bi-annual meeting place.

“Join us for the 3rd edition and the most important meeting place between Nigerian and Nordic business communities”

Parallel Sector Focus

The conference promises a range of focused sessions that offers a unique opportunity to foster collaboration and partnerships between Nordic and Nigerian actors. Gathering governmental stakeholders and the business communities in Nigeria and the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland) to position for growth together in Africa’s largest economy.

The sessions include:

Going green: Replacing Generators with Solar Solutions, How do we Finance it?

Only 1/8 of the power consumption in Lagos comes from the national grid. The Lagos State Government estimates that 23,000 MW is provided by diesel generators. The Lagos State Government will build 1000 MW of solar over the following years, and they plan to bring five million new households’ electricity by 2030. Both fuel and electricity prices have been increasing lately – making this a great business case for why Lagos is ready for solar.

Circular Economy

Our economies are facing a fundamental change – how to go from the linear economy model to a circular one, ”to close the loops?” Limiting the amount of waste, saving scarce natural resources, and moving towards a more sustainable future are all important parts of the new way ahead. 
Nigeria in general and Lagos surroundings especially have a great potential to apply these new ways of doing. Come and discuss how circular solutions can speed up the positive change for a greener economy.

Digital Transformation as a Strategic Enabler for Societal Change

Using IoT for real-time ESG reporting in smart cities: Smart cities could leverage tech for ESG reporting, like tracking carbon emissions. Since Tech can help track and analyze ESG factors, making reporting more accurate and efficient.
Lagos as a rising global tech titan: Nordic countries lead in tech innovation, while Nigeria is Africa's biggest economy. We have a global future tech hub in Lagos, so sharing digital transformation strategies could...


Securing the Future of Food System with International & Local Partnerships

Food loss: Food loss & and waste account for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions contribute to an unstable climate. How do our companies mitigate and contribute to this mitigation? Climate-smart agricultural practices, 31% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions come from the food and agriculture industry and the demand is increasing...

Innovative Waste to Wealth in Mobility and Energy 

The development of the Transportation and energy infrastructure in Nigeria has not been following the population growth making congested urban mobility one of the main issues the country faces especially Lagos as well as loss of economic potentials from the inadequate energy supplies. On the other hand, Nigeria produces an estimation of 32 million tons of solid waste per year, with only about 20-30 percent...


With a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of approximately 2.8% during 2010-2019 (World Bank, 2021), Nigeria's economy has demonstrated resilience and progress. Especially as shown in growth return post-COVID to 3.2% in 2023 as forecasted by the IMF.
Nigeria also represents over 65% of the economy of  West Africa region and West Africa is demographically the largest region in Africa and economically one of the world’s fastest-growing regions.  West Africa is the EU's largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa.
The EU is West Africa's biggest trading partner and an advantageous platform for Sweden.
Nigeria also recently held general elections and has a new government in place with positive outlooks for investments. 

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